Saturday, August 12, 2006

Day 6, 7, and 8

We walked dow to the river Sunday afternoon during the hottest part of the day. Luckily I slathered myself in suntan lotion because a few others came away with some pretty bad burns. The spot where we went to has a pretty nice sandy beach, but like everywhere there is bits of trash here and there. We also noticed that locals just drive their cars onto the beach and park them into the shallows to wash them. Ingenuity at its finest I guess if you don't have running water. The river is muddy but pretty good, and the water was a mix of cool spots and really warm spots. We kept trying to find a cold spot and to stay in it. On the way home we saw a huge parrot sitting on a fence and stopped to talk to him. He seemed pretty interested and we got within about a foot of him.

Monday we started our first real day of teacher classes. I can't quite explain what it is like to sit in a classroom to try and learn while sweating so much that all of your clothes are drenched. I never thought I could sweat so much my shirt has been literally soaked on a few occasions. Luckily everyone is in the same boat, girl and guy, and it has been rather funny making fun of others ass or knee sweat. Monday was exhausting from all the heat so once the sun went down we made our way down to the bar to knock back a few banks beer. It is amazing what a little cool breeze from the water and an icy beer can do to revive you.

Tuesday we started in again early. We had a man come from the ministry to tell us about some of the different regions and watch a video on some of the scenic locations and animals in Guyana. It was pretty cool to watch and made me excited to get to my site and also to fish. They hunt huge man-size catfish with a bow and arrow down here so my new goal is to learn how to do that. It was another long and hot day but not quite as excruciating as the day before.

The food is still really good but I think the lack of fruit and vegetables is really starting to wear on some people. Mostly I miss cooking for myself and being able to eat on my own schedule.

It already feels like we have been here for a lot longer than a week, in a good way though. It has been really amazing how quickly most of us have become friends in such a short period of time. I guess when you spend all day together and go through such similar experiences, both good and bad, closeness is the only possible outcome.

More pictures to come next time.


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