Friday, October 27, 2006

Friday, October 27th

Sports week finally came and after all of the annoyances the actual days of events were a lot of fun. It was a whole community event and a lot of people came from lethem and the area to watch all of the sports. There was marching, and banners, and even some speeches. I ran in the teachers 100m dash and placed 4th, not great, but not bad for a skinny white guy who can't handle the heat. Plus it was hilarious.

Saturday a bunch of guys we met from georgetown, they are down here training new employees for the bank, invited us out for a trip to Kumu falls. So together about 16 of us loaded into a 13 passenger van a drove out into the Savannah towards the nearby Kanuku mountains. We stopped at the Tuachou's house (chief) for permission to go to the falls but he wasn't there. Luckily his daughter said it was ok and we continud on. We soon began to see signs of the jungle then all of a sudden we were in it. It is almost like there is a line between the jungle and savannah and we had crossed it. The road tightened around us and a few of us had to get out of the vehicle to walk ahead and make sure the road was passable. Finally we reached a stream that was too deep to cross and that was our single to start our hike. The walk was short, only about 15 minutes and except for one drowned cell phone pretty uneventfull. The falls appearead out of the tangled brush and awesome. There are three seperate falls each one above the previous and each one larger than the lower. At the top fall you can climb through the water and sit behind the rushing water in a small cave. Very cool. We spent the day hiking around the area and playing in the pools. The guys we went with brought lunch and they made a fire to grill chicken over and roast some vegetables. It was an awesome experience, luckily because Jessie Sue and I are taking some of our students there this weekend. Should be fun.

School is back to normal now with few interuptions which is nice so I am looking forward to getting some work done in the next few weeks with my kids.

Not much news about the robbery except a flurry of rumours spreading around down each as unlikely as the last. The latest I heard was that our stuff was buried in a secret lair behind the school...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i bet you're really glad right now that you're not at home listenting to rachel and jordy going "hawwwwgwaaarts!"
"haaaaaarry potta!"

11:45 a.m.  
Blogger sean said...

Ha, 'Aggrid

12:01 p.m.  

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